Title: New identity of the kimberlite melt: constraints from the unaltered diamondiferous Udachnaya-East pipe kimberlite, Siberia, Russia

Year: 2005

Author: Maya Kamenetsky

Institution: University of Tasmania, Australia

  • Title, Abstract, Contents 202.00kB
  • Chapter 1: Introduction 237.00kB
  • Chapter 2: … regional & local geology 760.00kB
  • Chapter 3: Petrography & mineralogy 15632.00kB
  • Chapter 4: Geochemistry of … kimberlite groundmass 186.00kB
  • Chapter 5: Isotope characteristics 348.00kB
  • Chapter 6: Magmatic inclusions in groundmass minerals 5033.00kB
  • Chapter 7: Identity of the kimberlite parental melt 2291.00kB
  • Appendices 266.00kB
  • ENTIRE THESIS 24586.00kB