Title: Facies architecture, geochemistry and tectonic significance of the Ural Volcanics and the Mount Hope Volcanics, central Lachlan Orogen, NSW

Year: 2006

Author: Katharine F Bull

Institution: University of Tasmania, Australia

  • Title, Abstract & Contents 315.00kB
  • Chapter 1: Introduction 612.00kB
  • Chapter 2: Regional setting of the Ural Volcanics $ Mt Hope Volcanics 954.00kB
  • Chapter 3: Facies & facies association of the Ural Volcanics 2710.00kB
  • Chapter 4: Facies architecture of the Ural Volcanics 1747.00kB
  • Chapter 5: Volcanic, sedimentary & plutonic facies & facies associations in the Mt Hope area 5215.00kB
  • Chapter 6: Facies architecture of the Mt Hope Volcanics 767.00kB
  • Chapter 7: Fiamme textures in volcanic successions 1255.00kB
  • Chapter 8: Geochemistry, geochronology & tectonic significance of the Ural Volcanics & Mt Hope Volcanics 1710.00kB
  • Chapter 9: Palaeogeographic synthesis, summary & future research 1240.00kB
  • References: 224.00kB
  • Appendices: 1825.00kB
  • Figure 3.1 Geological map of the Ural Volcanics 1795.00kB
  • Figure 5.1 Geological map of the Mt Hope Volcanics 876.00kB