Mount Morgans

Other Names: Transvaal
Commodities :   Gold

The Mount Morgans gold deposit is located within the Eastern Goldfields Province of Yilgarn Block, 50km WSW of Laverton in Western Australia. 

It is a BIF-hosted gold deposit situated within an Archaean greenstone succession, some 3 km east of the Celia Lineament, a major deformation zone. Tholeiitic basalts and lenticular BIF horizons are intruded by concordant and subconcordant quartz-feldspar porphyries, while ultramafic rocks are the dominant wallrocks. 

The deposit is situated in a dilational jog, at the intersection of a major NNW-trending sinistral shear zone and later, also sinistral, NNE-striking shear and fault zones. Moderate to steeply SE-plunging high-grade ore shoots occur in the BIF unit at these structural intersections. 

Known resources in 1998 were:   5.4 Mt @ 3.9 g/t Au. 

(Source: Porter GeoConsultancy,, 1998)

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