MACROTHEQUE is an extensive collection of approximately 365 sample-sets containing over 8,000 hand-specimens representing

(1) rock associations and their characteristic ore types,
(2) mineral deposit types (models), and
(3) special features.

Samples are in some cases derived from a single locality but more generally from several widely scattered ones. In contrast to Lithotheque plates which are site-specific and stored in order of acquisition, Macrotheque sets are arranged in systematic progression from surface environments, through sedimentary rock environments, to magmatic, hydrothermal and metamorphic rock and ore environments. Index photographs of each boxed set are planned as resources permit. A comprehensive database of MT sample information is cross-referenced to affiliated Lithotheque plates. A photograph of a typical MT rock sample set may be viewed here.

Macrotheque Thin & Polished Sections: approximately 1,500 thin and 200 polished sections are derived from samples in the Macrotheque collection and have been are cross-referenced in the database. No petrological sections have yet been digitally photographed but a pilot programme is planned.

Total Metallogeny: Geosites’: is a 720 page volume and poster-set compiled and published by Peter Laznicka in his private capacity. The organisation and content of the volume are closely aligned with the design philosophy of Data Metallogenica. The volume contains summary descriptions and stylised plans/sections of 241 rock-forming environments (Geosites) which can be recognised and mapped in the field, together with ore types, deposit examples, references and indexes. The first edition (2001) is out of print and a second edition is planned. Ordering information may be obtained and interest registered with PGC Publishing at or by contacting Peter Laznicka directly.